Here you'll find quirky projects I take up to solve little problems or just to have some fun while I'm bored! [Mostly the latter]

Article Summariser


This is an Article summariser that uses the OpenAI API to summarise articles and give the reader a gist of the whole text contained in the input url.

Try it!
Article Summariser


This is a memory game made using Javascript.
How to play?
Click any key to start the game.
1. Lvl 1: Click on the first block Simon tells you to.
2. Lvl 2: Click the block in lvl 1 and then the new block.
3. Continue the pattern until you forget.
4. See the level number to know how good your memory is!

Play it!
to do


It'll tell you what to do based on what day it is. It uses React.js

Check It Out!

Front-end React App

This is a pure Front-end website made from a figma design. It uses Node.js, npm, and React,js

Have A Look!


This is a virtual drumkit. Play it using your mouse or the keys displayed on each drum. It uses HTML, CSS and JS

Make Some Noise!